Saturday, September 11, 2010

Are we as Idiot as the Idiot Box

I was sitting down with my mum today and realised what cinema and television meant to them.

Star Trek a fashion during their age is never forgotten. My mum still remembers Spo

ck's sexy voice and Captain Kirk's handsome built. It was the time when the television show was introduced and gained popularity in India
and still has a place in people's hearts.
This was when I sat down and thought that would the shows that we watch today have equal importance. Is this 'idiot box' as we call it gone too far to leave importance and a mark of anything that is

I sit down to think that ; would I remember 'Wizards Of Waverly Place' or 'Glee' once I grow as old as mum? I don't think so. In today's age, with so much to trend the value is lost. Coming down to it, television was there when I was born, I grew watching it, and the minor changes were nothing new.
If you think about it, you can find many reasons as to why television was of importance to

our parents. It was something new and interesting, the whole family sat down to watch a single episode of Ramayan and Mahabharata (which was the most famous amongst all that came on T.V in India).In other words, it united the family.

Nowadays, with so many shows - different for kids and adults and teenagers with their o
wn lists, it ends up dividing the family. My grandparents liking
to watch the episodes of Balika Vadhu ; my mom wanting to watch the old episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S ; dad engrossing himself in travel and living as well as music shows, and me, being a teenager watching Glee results in no or very little time for family.

I started from the importance of television in old days, and continued with its relevance for today's generation. I wish I could club the two and get the same old togetherness in the family back.


Taruna Goel said...

Nice post Srish. I like your perspective about family shows vs a show for each age! You are right. These days, it is tough to sit with your family and imagine that everyone is having a good time watching the same channel :)

Anonymous said...

wow! loved it! i had never given a thought to something like this! You have really evoked my thinking skills, girl!!!!!!!!

Sudhir Birla said...

Good, Thought provoking article. It precisely addresses the dilema or dissonance of where even the nuclear families are moving. Difficult, but not impossible to have programmes, which can connect the divergent thought process and bring everyone to common sofa.

meenali said...

A very thought provoking blog srishti....its nice to hear that a girl of your age is very rightly dreaming and wishing of bringing family fun times back!!!!!!!!!!I hope very soon right thinking and creative children like u would make television more than just an idiot box.

Anonymous said...

I concur with your ideas.

-A frivolous person, reading random blogs all day. hahaha!