Wednesday, May 11, 2011

As Strong As Glass....

I was studying a small chapter on acids. While reading that chemistry chapter, I came across a sentence, 'Acids are never stored in metal containers, because they gradually corrode and eat up the metal container. Acids are stored in containers made of glass, as glass is not attacked by acids.'

So whenever there is a problem in life, and an acid comes to eat you up, stand strong like a glass. Even the metal corrods with the acid but the glass stays string.

Any fight that comes your way, don't sit back and ignore, stand up and fight. Be determined to win, just like the glass. Nothing can come in your way to destroy you if you have faith and will power.

Just as a song suggest :

Till the time you have faith in your heart,
This world is a lovely place.
In your heart keep fighting,
Everything's gonna be all right.



Taruna Goel said...

Good reflection Srish!

Snigdha Rai said...

Who knew chemistry could teach you life?
Only an eye as sharp as yours can catch this little valuable things life has in store for us... :)
amazing again!